Stonebridge is very pleased to announce the promotion of Angela Valdes to Associate Director, Private Debt Funds. In her new role, Angela will assume an increased level of responsibility including securing new and increased investment mandates, managing investor relationships and deploying AUM into qualified investments. Angela continues to be a valued member of the Stonebridge Private Debt Fund team, as we continue to grow our capital base and invest in high quality private debt transactions, in energy and social infrastructure.
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Ivan Konczynski promoted to Senior Credit Analyst
Stonebridge is very pleased to announce that Ivan Konczynski has been promoted to Senior Credit Analyst. In taking on the role, Ivan will assume an increased level of responsibility and provide additional support to the Manager, Portfolio Administration. Ivan is part of a team of financial professionals providing high quality and trusted portfolio administrative services to institutional investors.
Cours de cuisine d’entreprise de Stonebridge
Stonebridge is proud to announce that Denis Bourassa, Co-Executive Chairman & CO-CEO has been re-appointed as a director to the Board of The Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships (“CCPPP”).
Stonebridge is proud to announce that Denis Bourassa, Co-Executive Chairman & CO-CEO has been re-appointed as a director to the Board of The Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships (“CCPPP”). CCPPP is a national not-for-profit non-partisan, member-based organization with broad representation from across the public and private sectors. Its mission is to promote innovative approaches to infrastructure development and service delivery through public-private partnerships with all levels of government. The Council is a proponent of evidence-based public policy in support of P3s, facilitates the adoption of international best practices, and educates stakeholders and the community on the economic and social benefits of public-private partnerships. The Council organizes an annual conference that is recognized internationally as the premier forum bringing together senior government and business leaders in the P3 community at which the most successful Canadian public-private partnerships are celebrated through CCPPP’s National Awards for Innovation and Excellence. The Council is governed by a Board of Directors and operated by several staff.
Nous fêtons!
Nous fêtons! Corporation Financière Stonebridge célèbre ses 20 ans en célébrant toute l’année et en soulignant notre vision de l’avenir. Pour lancer la célébration, nous sommes fiers de vous présenter un nouveau logo commémoratif des 20 ans. Restez à l’écoute pour plus d’annonces excitantes et partagez la célébration avec nous!
New Separately Managed Capital Commitment of $50M from SSQ, Life Insurance Company Inc.
Corporation Financière Stonebridge est heureux d’annoncer un nouvel engagement de 50 M $ de SSQ, Société Assurance-vie inc., dans le but d’investir dans des investissements en dette privés dans les énergies renouvelables et les infrastructures sociales. Corporation Financière Stonebridge continue d’accepter et d’augmenter ses engagements envers SIDF II LP et son portefeuille de comptes gérés séparément.
Anniversary Milestone
Félicitations à Angela Valdes, associée, Fonds de dette d’infrastructures Stonebridge, pour son 5e anniversaire en tant que membre de l’équipe de la corporation financière Stonebridge!
Stonebridge challenges friends from Scotiabank in friendly croquet event
Stonebridge announces new capital commitments in SIDF II
Stonebridge Financial Corporation est heureux d’annoncer un engagement supplémentaire de 18,6 M $ de la part de deux investisseurs institutionnels déjà investi dans les deux fonds en commandite simple de financement d’infrastructures par emprunt Stonebridge. Le SIDF II est maintenant presque entièrement investi mais continue d’accepter des nouveaux investisseurs, et des engagements supplémentaires des investisseurs déjà investi, pour financer les projets déjà prévus pour l’exercice commençant le 1er octobre 2019.
New Energy Portfolio Acquisition
Stonebridge Financial Corporation est heureux d’annoncer que le comité d’investissement du Fonds de dette d’infrastructures Stonebridge II a approuvé un investissement de 25 M $ pour le financement de l’acquisition d’un portefeuille d’actifs d’énergie renouvelable – éolienne et solaire. Fermeture prévue en octobre 2019.