Stonebridge Financial Corporation (“Stonebridge”) is pleased to announce the sale of its bulk lease securitization division to a separately owned and operated entity, Stonebridge Lease Financing Solutions Inc. (“SLFS”). The transaction presented a unique opportunity for senior management of the bulk lease securitization division to take a controlling interest in the new company and to guide the long-term growth and success of the bulk lease securitization business.
Stonebridge Financial Corporation is a specialized financial services company with a proven reputation and expertise in arranging and structuring debt financings for syndication in the Canadian institutional marketplace with a focus in the energy, infrastructure, and health care sectors. As an exempt market dealer and asset manager, Stonebridge also provides financial advisory services, asset management, and a host of agency services.
Stonebridge Lease Financing Solutions Inc. is an industry leading provider of independent bulk lease financing solutions to the Canadian leasing market.